Perks Your Employees Will Love

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If there is one resource that your business needs, it’s human. With the right people working for you, your business can be effective and successful. There is a big link between the productivity of your employees and their wellbeing, which is why you have to offer perks that they will enjoy.

People work best when they feel appreciated, and they feel appreciated when their efforts are recognized. Understanding your staff is going to be the best thing that you do and it’s vital for your business to perform well.  For that to happen, you need to offer a great list of perks when you are hoping to get people on board with your business.

Let’s take a look at some of the perks that your staff will love when they get on board. Don’t forget, perks are a part of the reason that people join your organization – you’ve got to make them good ones.

There is a big link between the productivity of your employees and their wellbeing, which is a good reason to offer perks they will enjoy. Here are some perks your employees will love. #employeeperks1. Workspace

A great working environment is a must if you want people to join your business. You need to treat people well in your business and a big part of that will be in ensuring that you can provide a good company culture. A positive work environment is a must and whether it’s a compliment from you or it’s recognizing hard work, you need to make people feel valued.

2. Flexibility

People respond well to flexible working environments and if you can offer one, you’re going to find the best talent flocking to your door. If there is one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us all, it’s that allowances and changes can be made to make working flexibly easy. Remote working may be a possibility in your business, and if it is, people will be appreciative and they’ll come to you for help.

3. Training

Offering the right training is essential for your staff. You need to do research into iSpring Learn Reviews and more to know that you have chosen the right training provider. When you do, you can offer the best, most comprehensive education to your staff. You can keep people motivated and willing to improve personally if you are invested in them professionally, you just have to prove that you’re invested.

4. Wellness

Offering wellness initiatives to staff is going to prove that you really do care about their health and their wellness. Programs with weekly masseurs on site, a gym available to staff (or membership in lieu of an actual gym), healthy snacks offered free throughout the day – it all counts towards proving that you care about your staff. Reducing the stress on the employees working for you will show that you have a keen interest in the future of your employees.

5. Health Insurance

Providing the right health insurance, including dental insurance, will give your employees security that they need to trust you. You want well, healthy employees so that you have less time wasted in your business. It’s an excellent perk to include and it allows people to feel confident in their health and with MEWA insurance it could be a lot more affordable for you to provide than you may think.

6. Incentives

Incentives help keep your staff motivated and excited, especially if you have a sales team who are target-driven. However, you can just as easily put incentives in place meeting Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).  Incentives like trips away or spa days are great and staff will also work hard for something as simple as extra leave days.

Image Credit:  Pexels

Which of these perks have you put in place and which are most important to your employees?

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate *

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