The 5 Best Doggie Christmas Gifts To Consider

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Christmas is just around the corner and you are probably wondering whether you should buy your faithful four-legged companion a Christmas gift. The answer is a resounding yes! Most of us spend more time with our doggies than we do with family members or friends. Our pets give us loyalty and unconditional love. Why not show them some love by showering them with a few things that they will adore?

The good news is that there are so many great items that you can gift your pup this Christmas without having to break the bank. You can opt for some practical gifts like a new bed or a squeaky toy, or maybe a few delicious treats or clothing to keep them warm during the colder months. Our pets are part of the family, so if you are looking for the best doggie Christmas gifts, we’ve got you covered.


Nutritious Pet Food

There are numerous healthy pet food options that provide your pup with the nutrition he needs. Vets often recommend specific dog food options to avoid health conditions like dental problems, digestive tract issues, or various metabolic needs. Your Vet might also recommend certain pet food options to prevent the development of further health issues. Here are some of the best dog food Canada options that you can invest in to keep your dog healthy and in tiptop condition.

Doggie Bed

There are various advantages linked to having dog beds. They are perfect for sleeping during the night or napping during the day. Unlike a hard floor, a doggie bed keeps your dog comfortable, warm and prevents calluses. Just like us, dogs also need a space that they can have all to themselves and a dog bed provide just that.


Very small dog breeds struggle to retain body heat, especially when you live in areas with icy cold winters. Therefore, a coat or sweater is perfect for spending prolonged periods outside. After all, you can’t keep your dog locked inside the house the whole day. They need to go outside in the garden for some playtime and doing their rounds.  Dogs with short hair like Chihuahua’s, Chinese crested dogs, or Italian greyhounds that are used to warmer climates will also benefit from cold weather wear to keep them snug and warm.

Dog Treats

Anyone that has a dog knows the essentialness of dog treats. They are invaluable training tools, plus they are perfect for forging a bond between a pet owner and their pet. The ideal display of affection that your four legged friend will appreciate is giving them a well-deserved treat.

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When you buy doggy toys, make sure they are the right size. Small toys can pose a choking hazard or get lodged in their stomachs when swallowed. Also, be mindful with ribbons, string, or elastic bands that are not suitable as dog toys. Tennis balls are classic due to their unique texture, plus they are safe to chew on. Cloth or rubber frisbee’s that are gentler on a dog’s teeth and mouth are also excellent choices.

Squeaky toys always provide great fun for dogs. However, when the toy starts to come apart, it must be replaced. Some dogs prefer stuffed toys that they can play with, carry around, pounce, or sleep with. Look for toys that are machine washable and ideally sold at vets, pet stores or in the pet isles at grocery stores.


There you have it, our top ideas for the best doggie Christmas gifts. Dogs are loyal and loving companions and a valuable part of the family. Show them how much you love and appreciate them by including them in the festivities and buying them something special for Christmas.

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