4 Businesses in Healthcare You Could Start

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For Entrepreneurs who prefer the prospect of a challenge, want to make a positive difference in the world, and improve the lives of others, you might have thought about creating a practice or business centred around healthcare solutions for the public.

Of course, education, skills, experience, and business acumen all work in favour of the entrepreneurial spirit who dreams of pursuing such a significant task.  And if you have a willingness to study medicine and an innate desire to care for and cure others, you might have what it takes to get you there.

For inspiration on what medical routes you could take, here is a non-exhaustive list of four exciting healthcare businesses for you to ponder.

1. Dermatologist

You have the heart of an Entrepreneur and your soul yearns to make a difference - have you considered starting a business in healthcare?  Which of these options appeals to you? Doctors who specialize in dermatology are commonly recognized for helping clients to prevent damage to, diagnose, and treat the largest organ we humans have, our skin.

They also examine nails, hair, and the sweat and oil glands too. Issues can vary from psoriasis, eczema to cancer of the cells.

To begin your career in medicine, see the Ultimate Guide to Caribbean Medical Schools to view what learning facility best suits your needs, to begin practising, and eventually specializing in skincare and health.

2. Midwife

Midwives provide an array of services, including assisting soon-to-be mothers with childbearing and labour, while offering support in the postpartum phase.

During each step, a Midwife will provide support, guidance, and a routine health check to manage each stage of the pregnancy and monitor the mother’s and baby’s health, while also promoting the prevention of illnesses and disease.

If this seems like a perfect fit for you, initially consider the legislation of midwifery in your current state, as each state’s certification requirements vary.

For example, Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) can legally practice in 50 states; however, some states still require additional supervision.  Whereas Certified Midwives (CM) are only able to practice in a limited group of states.

3. Nutritionist

As a Nutritionist, you shall be an expert in all things food from calories to essential vitamins and minerals.

With your knowledge, you’ll assess your client’s health to gauge how they can improve their diet based on your evaluation.

You’ll present a diet plan of foods to eat and avoid, and portion sizes to adhere to.

Following your consultation, treatment plan, and guidance, you’ll arrange routine check-ups to report the impact the new healthy eating plan is having on your patient.

4. Mental Health Counsellor

The world is beginning to have a better understanding of mental health and its ability to affect people’s everyday lives. In response, the appreciation and demand for qualified mental health counsellors have increased.

As a counsellor, you will book meetings for people in need of help in dealing with various issues. Some of these include marital problems, addiction, self-esteem, ageing, financial troubles, suicidal thoughts, and so forth.

You’ll be a good listener, objective when administering advice and provide a safe, confidential place for customers to confide in you, vent, and work through their problems.

With a few ideas of medical businesses you can start, it’s now a matter of seeking the relevant education and experience you need to gain within the next few years to get there.

Editors Commentary

Have you considered starting a business in healthcare?  Which of these options appeals to you? 

When I was in High School, I was keen on becoming a Psychologist or Physiotherapist. I landed up becoming an Aromatherapist in my 20’s.  As a Therapist, I did my fair share of counselling and I would have enjoyed more training in counselling.

When I burnt out as a Therapist, I discovered the wonders of nutritional therapy and considered becoming a Nutritionist.  Instead, I became a Product Trainer for a nutritional supplements company.  

When I went through pregnancy and became a Mom, I wanted to become a Midwife. I still wonder whether becoming a Doula might be a lovely calling. Can’t do everything, I guess – much as I’d love to study another 10 professions, it’s probably not going to happen.

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About Lauren Kinghorn

Visionary Digital Entrepreneur ► Heart-Centred Influencer | Plant-Based Enthusiast | Speaker | Writer | Course Creator | YouTuber | Podcaster * Come join me at Wealthy Affiliate * inspiringmompreneurs.com/WA

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