Some call them Stepmoms but we prefer the name Bonus Moms.
- If you are a Bonus Mom and would like to share your story, or,
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Here is our first Featured Bonus Mom Entrepreneur
Loes is one Dynamic Entrepreneur!
Other than being a Mother to 6 children and Grandmother of 2, Loes works over 10 hours a day, 7 days a week on her varied businesses.
Having always worked as a Freelancer, and with 25 years of experience as a successful entrepreneur, Loes feels she doesn’t fit into a regular job.
Despite her hectic schedule, many commitments and long work hours, Loes kindly granted me an interview, answering candidly about her life as both Mother and Entrepreneur…
When I asked Loes what her greatest challenge has been as an entrepreneur, Loes answered:
“Stepping out of my comfort zone and getting out in the open on the internet.”
Wow…. who would have thought it? Loes has clearly overcome this challenge, as can be seen with the 6 beautiful websites she has created, which are attracting thousands of visitors:
- This is Kids Art – Displaying handmade crafts made by children between 4-12 years
- Kleur Boekjes – A spiritual website with booklets to educate children on how to take their first steps to an holistic and spiritual way of life
- Work at Home Future – Loaded with tutorials about website development
- Eigen Site Maken – Work at Home Future translated into Dutch, plus tips and training on teaching the Dutch language
- Free Images – Displays pictures taken by her husband as well as a huge list of collected free image websites
- Your Site Rubix – Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp website
As a Mother, Loes felt her greatest challenge has been “To speak up for my children when they managed to get in trouble. I am not good with words, on paper I am the best, but talking is not my strongest point. I always think, I should have said this or that.” How many of us Moms second-guess ourselves like this?
Today what Loes loves most is being at home working, but balancing work and home life hasn’t always been plain-sailing. Loes recalls a time when she had to go out working as a private cleaning woman.
Was it a good decision to become an Entrepreneur?
Loes feels for her there is no option: “I have to be one. I have been a stay at home mom for 25 years, working and assisting my spouse in our family company. I am too headstrong for a boss.”
Do you feel you are living your passion?
When I am working either with the children or online, there is no time. I hear people saying when they are at their jobs, that they look every minute on the clock, if it’s time yet to go home. I never have that feeling. So, yes I am living my passion 🙂
Do you feel you have already written your bestseller or created your best work?
Yes, I have my children’s books online on the website
If you were to die tomorrow, would you be at peace knowing you had lived a full, happy and meaningful life?
I am not yet ready, so give me some time:) When it would happen, I sure hope my family will keep my websites alive.
Do you have a message you would like the world to hear?
We are all one, what you give to another you, in fact, give to yourself. So be sure you give away only the best!
Is there a book or a song that has had huge significance or meaning in your life?
Yes, the most impact has been A Course in Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman
What an amazing co-incidence! A Course in Miracles is also my all-time favourite book!
I had my own personal copy (on left)) on my bookshelf for almost 10 years when finally, on World Peace Day 2009, I started studying the Workbook for Students. I completed it a year later, and it was life-changing in many ways.
I started working through it again this year, and got stuck on one of the Lessons. I just couldn’t get past Lesson 68: Love Holds No Grievances.
I mentioned this to a friend of mine who facilitates The Work, by Byron Katie. Dorothea lent me her copy of The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard (on right), suggesting that it may help me get past this “learner’s block” I was experiencing. It certainly has!
Naturally, Loes has read this book too, and asked whether I had also discovered the books of Neale Donald Walsch and Esther & Jerry Hicks as well?
Absolutely! Ask and it is Given and Conversations with God rank right up there in the list of my all time favourite books.
Which people have been enormously helpful to you?
My mom and Dad have always been my greatest supporters, whatever I took on my shoulders.
What advice would you give someone just starting out as an entrepreneur?
Keep going!
Is there anything you feel you gained by becoming an entrepreneur?
The freedom to work when I want.
Do you feel you chose an easy path or a difficult one?
For me it is easy, but I know not everybody is cut out to be self employed. You need discipline and perseverance.
Are there any courses or studies you feel have been essential to your success? The Wealthy Affiliate Certification Course
Loes is looking to assist everybody, anywhere in the world, who wants more out of life than a 9-5 job.
Just to give you a little taste of who Loes is and what you can gain from her – here is one of my favourite blogs that Loes wrote on Wealthy Affiliate…
Whatever you focus on, will grow. Whatever you resist, will grow. Whatever you worry about, will grow. Whatever you judge, will grow.
You have been taught to use your creative ability for the good things and the bad things happening to you.
The source of creating wealth, health and abundance lies in your heart.
By connecting your emotions to the love in your heart, you cán move mountains!
Feel your emotion of kindness, thankfulness, gratitude and abundance, feel..!!
Feel the love in your heart
Whatever you judge will grow, what is judgement?
There are judgements you have never thought about, I guess..
I am a woman, which judgements do you have about that?
A woman is weaker then a man?
A woman gets paid less then a men?
A woman is less suitable to lead?
A woman …. you can think of some….
I am born in a poor family so…MONEY IS….
I will never make it, unless I win the lottery?
Rich people cheat?
Money is dirty?
Born a loser, always a loser?
Richness isn’t for me?
These are all judgements!
Step out of your judgements and step into GRATITUDE.
And connect your grateful feelings with the love in your heart!
Throw every single thought about putting things down out of your head!
And then…….
see yourself as energy….
floating and fully connected with the universal energy….
The universe will give you anything you “think” you deserve!
So think wisely, put your judgements under a magnifying glass and tell them to leave you at once. Re-install your authenticity!
You are born in abundance, you just left it behind you, believing all kind of nonsense teachers told you on the way to adulthood.
Start today believing in yourself and empower yourself again!
Awake! Connect positive emotions and feelings consciously to the warm loving feelings in your heart!
Loes has 2 Life Motto’s:
Teach the children well, so we can change the future in one decade
What you send out, you get back, so give everything to everyone 🙂
If you’d like the chance to learn more from Loes, visit her websites or find her on Wealthy Affiliate.